Soul of a gypsy. Discipline of a soldier.

Daughter of marketing guru and personal injury lawyer, Stephanie is no stranger to the strength that is necessary for a craft to become a success and the hard work which can elevate dreams to that next level. Maybe even over the rainbow.

After 17 years of classical ballet training and the opportunity to dance with the American Ballet Theater and live in New York City for two summers, she has learned the importance of creativity, discipline, confidence, and the power of simply: showing up. She has a love for the arts and wants to give back to the world in as many ways as she can.

Upon graduating, life threw a series of curveballs at her desired course, and after a horrific car accident, Stephanie took care of her mother with early-onset Alzheimer’s for a year and a half. Her mother has physically healed from the accident and Stephanie is all the stronger because of that time. When life continues to throw tumultuous waves, one must learn to surf..

Stephanie is a strong believer and knows that faith and action bring about new life.

Her motto is: Pray for favor, then take the leap.

As a creative, she is continually humbled to bring beauty from the ethereal to the earthly realm. To her, the creative process is a collaborative one with God. She believes that when you know your own soul, you are able to see others’ souls with greater clarity.

Gnothi Seuton, it means “know thyself.” In knowing yourself, one is better equipped to know others.

Her mission is to create what she sees, hears, feels, believes, and knows, and to express it in a variety of ways that showers others with joy and healing.

Stephanie delights in expressing love through art and believes sharing can heal.

Mark 10:27, NIV: Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.'

The dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.

Catch a wave.